What if you knew what was going to happen with the pairs price in the near future: when to enter, when to exit, where to put a tight
stop loss with a laser accuracy ?

Please read:
You’ve probably been tempted to find that “magic” combination of indicators or that “secret” system for consistently extracting lots of pips (and profits), from the Forex market.  With all the indicators and systems to choose from, there just seems like someone should be able to come up with something that works! And while the “Holy Grail” system that is effective 100% of the time in nothing more than a Forex Traders dream… there are trading tools that are very accurate and profitable if you follow the rules.
The Forex secret indicator will completely change your life! You will never look back and search for any other Forex trading software.

 I will help you...   /Karl Dittmann/
What if you had the most profitable Forex indicator that anyone could use to benefit from trading even without experience ?

      Every Trader Dream to be able to predict the future prices of Forex Pairs and Stocks, to know exactly when to open and close trades with a maximum profit and never loose money..
It has been always a dream for all traders, from the beginning of these kind of markets, to predict what happens next with a currency price. This means, having a tool that would tell us what time and at what price to enter our trades in a mechanical way. This is, a Forex secret indicator software that would take the sweating and worries away from our trading sessions. There is nothing 100 percent accurate among trading systems, that's for sure, but my "Forex secret indicator" - fully automated system has showed that even without perfection it can make of you a profitable trader.

Your built-in chart indicators are just that....Standard!  You will never become a successful trader using simple RSI, moving averages, trend indicators ... Do Not waste your time!


Average trading day stats screenshot:

Watch out for those who predict large earnings no matter what the economic situation is. There are very few trading tools to forecast the future direction of a currency with 100% accuracy - The "Forex secret Indicator" is one of them. It's a totally new technology 2010!

Want to discover the trading elite secret? The biggest secret of the most profitable traders is that they don't use the standard chart indicators that come with your trading platform.  Those give way too many false signals.  Ask yourself...why are they free? 

The average trader has no idea (or the knowledge) to think beyond the standard indicators...  They study the few free chart tools that came with their charts and think they know it all.  This is why they fail at a staggering rate of 96%.  Those are the kinds of people that bring a knife to a gun fight.  Technical analysis does not have to be complicated, if you have the right tools of coarse.

Why the EMA/SMA, RSI, MACD ...etc are free?
 Because they don't work at all!

Now with that said, a majority of the successful Forex traders utilize specially designed Forex software to help them to judge each trading determination. The leading reason that this is helpful to them is due to the huge volumes of data that should be studied, analyzed, and assessed to perform the most effective trading decision possible. Computer software which is designed for this specific purpose can analyze that mountain of data very quickly, and without a biased view that may be present for a manual inspection of the identical data.

There are numerous Forex software packages available on the market nowadays and each one has their own method of how they analyze the data and what recommendations they make.  I guarantee that "Forex secret indicator" is one of the most profitable trading tools that you can find today...

"Forex Secret Indicator" that:

Uses No Boring guides

Uses No Scam Auto trading robots

No trading experience required at all

Averages 20 to 100 Pips per trade

Setup requires only 4 minutes to setup

Works at any time of the day/night

Works on any time frame

Works with all major pairs and Stocks

80-90%% Winning trades - Stress free

Stop Loss is calculated Automatically

You don't have to take your own decisions anymore..!

Easy To Use, you won't need any technical knowledge.

The indicator tells you when to enter the trade and when to exit with profit!

I am not promising you a million per day - but I guarantee a consistent profit!

Nobody likes complex indicators that are hard to use and understand. This is why we have devoted extra-effort to make our indicator as simple and straight-forward as possible, so even beginners could use it with ease. The Forex secret indicator is the simplest and most profitable indicator you will ever find.

Instead of complex lines and arrows which are hard to understand, the "Forex secret indicator" is extremely simple to use and understand - so simple even a complete newbie will be able to trade it and create profits!

With "Forex secret indicator", the average trader can now trade with tools that were so far restricted only to the professional traders. You - can now trade with tools that hedge funds use to gain enormous yield and profits!

The "Forex secret indicator" provides strong entries in any market environment - and allows you to trade with maximum confidence and performance.

"Forex secret indicator" does all the work for you by showing you when to enter and where to place your stop loss. A complete user guide is also available, plus, i will provide my personal help to all your questions.

Trading for a living is a dream of many. If you are a part-time trader, you no doubt dream of this every morning you have to get up early and face the endless traffic before getting to the office. You dream of becoming a full-time trader every long hour you sit at the office doing work you hate. You dream of it every time you have to look at your boss's angry face.

Trading for a living is a noble dream. To make it more than a dream, you need to be able to control your own trading weaknesses and you need the proper tools. You also need a lot of determination and just a little bit of luck... and "Forex Secret Indicator" plug'n'play software!

The "Forex Secret Indicator" reach you through your own trading platform! In whatever Forex trade market you may be dealing in, be it the US, Euro Zone, etc. the change in situation is crucial since the Forex Trading market is too volatile. This reveals the importance of "Forex Secret Indicator".

High Quality Trades: "Forex Secret Indicator" uses many filters and confirmation to provide you with only high-probability trades. Our researchers devoted years to finding the right filters to maximize the potential and profits of these signals. "Forex Secret Indicator" gives you the power of hundreds of years of trading - in the distance of a click. Trend confirmation ensures that you will always have the power of the trend on your side. Plus, "Forex Secret Indicator" will check that the market has volatility so you will not enter a sleepy market. Much research has been invested in "Forex Secret Indicator", to make it the best trading indicator ever.

"Forex Secret Indicator" does not repaint or change its signals - every buy and sell signal and iron-solid and once produced will not disappear.

This unique indicator has been making me money for years now and it's not going to suddenly change...it can be used by anyone... even beginners. Newbies will like the simplicity while experts will like the ease of use and amazing highly accurate algorithm .... It is a complete plug and play system can be used by any people even without any experience of Forex trading! All You need is the simple plug-n-plug file and step-by-step user guide.

 Once you get my "Forex secret indicator" - you will never look back, and never want to use any other trading FX tools or trading robots.

This is YOUR chance to get out of the rat race. It's your chance to start making money. Finally, these unbelievable trading signal software is available to the public for the first time ever. This tool have the potential to completely change your life.


realtime visitors online

Once you apply for my tool - You will get:


- Step by step User Guide (pdf)

- Full explanation - why the indicator is ultra profitable

- The indicator itself ( plug'n'play)

- The indicator in action screenshots

- The indicator sample trades

- I will Help You - Promise!


(click here to see our discounted sale price)

Get the secret tool that will change your life!



Q. This website looks familiar to me.. Is it the same signaling software that i already purchased from you?

A. No. It is a totally new website/product...much more accurate and much more profitable. It is not similar in any way with my other products.

Q. What do I need to start using the "Forex Secret Indicator"

A. You need a basic computer and internet connection to use the system all information for setup is provided.

Q. What kind of signals i will get?

A. On average you will get 5-10 signals a day - signals on your chart, Audio Alerts and (optional) email alerts

Q. What platform will the "Forex Secret Indicator" run on?

A. MT4

Q. How do I get the software?

A. Instant Download

Q. Does the system use a stop loss?

A. Yes - Stop loss generated by the software automatically

Q. Is this system fully automatic or manual?

A. The system 100% automatic

Q. Can I run on a demo account before I risk my own money?

A. Yes of course, you can run on a demo account for as long as you like until you see that it is making you consistent profits, then you can switch to a real account.

Q. How much money do I need to start trading?

A. You can start with as little as $100 with some brokers, although we recommend a minimum starting amount of at least $250. We can recommend you a broker ..

Q. Do you provide support?

A. Yes we provide full support both with setting up and implementation of the system, money management issues, technical queries and general trading support.


Q. Are there any monthly fees for your system?

A. No there are absolutely no monthly fees, this is strictly a one off purchase.




- Karl Dittmann

..."Letter" from Karl Dittmann:
You could attempt to learn this by trial and error on your own, but I assure you it will be a MUCH more costly "education" than the one I'm offering you today for a very reasonable price.  It cost me years of frustration, bad trades, and huge financial losses before I figured out the "secret" system. I've watched too many smart yet "uneducated" people lose their shirts in the stock market, and I don't want to see that happen to you. PLEASE... if you're going to invest your money anywhere, get my secret so you can avoid the pain. I'll show you everything - profits regardless of whether the Forex is going up or down...

Special Launch Price: $25
The price will go up tomorrow!


A membership to "Forex Secret Indicator" can be ordered anytime!
 Even if it is 2 a.m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant access
 to our members area where you can download
"Forex Secret Indicator" & Bonuses Instantly
This is a one time fee only. You will never be re-billed.


 One time payment - No hidden fees



U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.





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